I continue on my quest for the solution to never having to scrub my tub/shower again. This pin says that if you wipe everything down with a vinegar and Dawn combo while you’re still in there that it will stay clean. It sounds miraculous, which of course makes it a perfect pin for Pin Busting.
I filled my soap holding scrubber with Dawn first then added the vinegar. It’s hard to get them mixed so I would plan to fill it only maybe 2/3 full so that there is plenty of room for all the suds and to mix well, or just pre mix a bunch in something else so that you can just refill the scrubber easily. I had Green Apple scented Dawn so it was very easy to see how mixed it was but I would think that it would be a lot harder with clear soap.
I forgot to take a before picture but it turns out I didn’t have to! My tub and shower look just as clean after 1 week and then 2 weeks of using this method (almost) daily. I probably did it 6/7 days of the week. It only takes a minute or two when you’re finished your shower and it’s so much easier to get to everything because you’re already getting wet and standing in there as opposed to leaning in from outside and trying to stay dry. I did
use it on the chrome fixtures which definitely decreased the look of water spots but I will probably still clean them with the water/vinegar combo I use when I do the sink fixtures.
Bottom line –DEFINITELY DO IT!
It turns out that this is mildly miraculous! I think if I keep it up my days of scrubbing may be over. It’s cheap and lasts a long time (after 2 weeks still half left). I wouldn’t recommend hanging the scrubber by a loop on the end because I bet the soap would drip out over time and look gross or be slippery or whatever. I had to finagle some zip ties to hang it so the scrubber was at the top. And definitely use a scented Dawn that you won’t mind smelling pretty intensely. I really didn’t notice the vinegar smell but the apple scent was much stronger in the hot shower than just when doing dishes. It doesn’t linger all day but while you’re in there it’s pretty strong. So if you’re at all interested in decreasing your scrubbing the bathroom time this is the way to do it! I’m beyond excited for that AND that I won’t have to deal with the horrible fumes of other cleaning products! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Pin # 15 In-shower cleaning
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Pin # 14 Baking corn instead of boiling
I am not a huge fan of corn on the cob, or corn in general. Ok, that’s a huge understatement and if you know me you are actually laughing right now. I’ll spare the rest of you the details but let’s just say I don’t eat corn. Ever. The only thing I can say I like about it is how it smells when butter is melting on it. But then again, when does melting mutter not smell wonderful!
I do, however, have to prepare corn on the cob from time to time and particularly despise the whole husking and corn silk sticking to you thing. So I saw this pin and thought it could be fab.Hubby wanted some corn and wanted to let the little guy try to eat it off the cob. Our son had recently gotten a hold of a pretend corn on the cob and he just kept trying to bite into it so my husband decided we had to provide the real thing ASAP. So, ta da, corn in the oven.Corn after the oven.Hot corn steaming up my camera.Ends cut off.Post peeling off the husk.Bottom line – Do it!My dislike for corn aside, this worked great. I would especially say go for it if you’re making a lot of corn at once. My husband said the flavor and texture was great and I thought it looked great. Cutting off the very end is no biggie and sliding off the husk is easy too. It doesn’t come off without effort like the pin sorta suggests, and there is a bit of silk you still need to contend with, but all in all a fast easy way to deal with it. I love fast and easy. Fast and easy and cheap. I’m only talking about food preparation here… and maybe crafts… and yard chores… ok so I’m a big fan of fast, easy and cheap but who isn’t?? (:Stephanie
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Pin #13 Homemade make up remover
So I mixed the ingredients as directed in the pin, except I halved it. I did not have coconut oil on hand so I used olive oil. First impression, smells nice and clean. Second
impression, use a larger container than needed because when you shake it there is A LOT of suds. Also use a better container. I happened to have a baby food jar like in the pin but I would recommend some sort of small mouth or squirt type bottle. Once you dip a cotton ball in there it soaks up too much and it’s harder to apply without making a mess.
My cotton balls were over saturated and squirted into my eye a few times and that stung a little but otherwise I love it. The make-up and mascara came off easy and left my skin feeling clean but not dried out.
Definitely cheaper than retail products and it’s easy on the skin. It was fast and easy to make and use. Other than a few changes in container, I’d do this again without question. Maybe next time I’m wearing a dozen coats of mascara. And maybe next time I’ll manage to have it on both eyes!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Pin # 12 Faking fake lashes
There seems to be something innate in women to adore and desire long, full eye lashes. I’m sure there are some women that will tell you it’s all somehow men’s fault, that they set some standard of beauty for us a long time ago before we had more rights than a goat…. or something like that. I don’t know why it’s wanted but it’s wanted, badly. Badly enough that I’ve seem women look legit angry jealous when they see a little baby, almost always a boy, who has unbelievably impressive long full lashes. Badly enough that some ladies glue strings of fake lashes to their eye lids. When it works it looks great, when it doesn’t you’re left wondering why this woman doesn’t notice the spider attached to her eyeball. This pretty lady in in the pin says you can fake the fake-out. Love it.Here I am with bare lashes and eyes. I’m no dummy, I’ve got on othermakeup (you think I am putting pictures of myself out in cyberspace without a lil’ help from Cover Girl? I don’t think so!). So my lashes are naked but I already curled them, just like she says in the video, by pumping 5 times. C* (that’s what she goes by) seems to be already wearing mascara when she starts the tutorial which would be a little like cheating so I am starting bare.
After curling, I applied 5-6 coats of the Maybelline LashBlast Fusion to my right lashes. It’s brown and it happens to be my go to mascara and according to C* you can use any 2 mascaras you want, as long as thesecond is waterproof. The multiple coats of mascara go against everything I know about applying mascara. I've always unerstood to keep it to 1, maybe 2, coats to avoid spider leg lashes. Why you ask? I have no idea. I’m guessing an assortment of magazines and tv shows. And I've always functioned with the look like you're not wearing any make-up approach. And that is probably why I am enthralled by these women that wear crazy bright purple eye shadow and look great.
Definitely a noticeable difference. Next, about 5 coats of the black waterproof mascara, Big Fatty Waterproof Mascara by Urban Decay. And since my better half was taking these pictures for me we somehow missed the after two mascaras but before lash separator picture. Oops. But after separation and a little pushing up/back to keep the curl, this is the result.Bottom line – Do it!I have never worn fake lashes. I suspect they might look a bit fuller and longer than the final result here but with the extra hassle of applying them . Extra hassle will almost always lose with me so I think this is a winner. I can’t say I’ll be doing this everyday, it doesn’t really suit my stay at home mom of a 1 year old thing right now. But if I’m heading out for the night I’d certainly do it. And I’m sure it would look even better with eye liner and shadow helping out. And maybe a pretty cocktail. That can’t hurt either (:Stephanie
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Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Pin #11 Hard boiled eggs in the oven
Maybe this isn’t news to you but I saw this pin and got all excited. My son has recently discovered hard boiled eggs, at least deviled eggs anyways, and since I’m not a huge fan I don’t have a lot of practice boiling eggs. When I tried a few times it never seemed as easy as it was supposed to be and that annoys me. So where this felt like a foolproof way to get it done I was on board immediately.
My eggs cooked closer to 30 minutes and were super duper hot for a while so I quickly plucked them from the pan and let them cool on a pot holder for a bit. Once they were cool enough I got peeling. The first one I did was super easy, the shell came off fast andeasy. There were a few brown spots which I assume are little burnt areas. No biggie to me. Then the second two eggs were a bit more annoying. The shell was stuck to the egg really well so once I was able to peel it off a pretty thick layer of the white came with it. So as you can see I had what looked like mini eggs. I sliced into them easy and the yolks looked good, a little greenish on the outer part. I heard somewhere along the way that the greenish color means it was cooked too long so that makes sense here.
Bottom Line – Do it!While I let them bake a little too long, the general results were still fantastic and with less room for error than boiling, though you should note I still managed to find the error! Whatever my 1 year old eats sticks so I can’t imagine a little green yolk is going to bother him!Stephanie
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Pin # 10 Borax and baking soda dishwasher soap
I was hopeful that this pin would save me from the tragic forgot to buy the dishwasher soap mistake. So equal parts baking soda and Borax is supposed to fix this problem. Love it.
The “recipe” calls for about 2 TB of the mix per load so I made 3 loads worth (to buy me several days before having to get to the store of course). Scoop, dump, stir. I saved it in a mini cheapo plastic container.Come after dinner clean-up, in 2 TB went. We didn’t take it easy, we didn’t pre-rinse everything and there were a few things that had a little stuck on somethin’ somethin’. I spared you from pictures of all of our dirty dishes… blech. I set the regular cycle to run as usual and waited. Well actually we ignored it and then went to bed and the next day I checked it out. And the result was interesting. All of the food came off and the dishes looked fantastic. I was actually surprised and got excited because this would be a whole lot cheaper than buying ready made stuff. Then I picked up a few dishes.Yuck. There was this weird powdery film on everything. I couldn’t see it but it was everywhere. I ended up having to put everything through anextra rinse cycle to get rid of it. It also didn’t get off some of the more stubborn sticky pan stuff.
Bottom line – good in a pinchAfter 3 uses, always the same results: mostly clean with weird film. I tried vinegar once in the rinse aid well and it didn’t make any difference. I wouldn’t use it regularly because of that weird film but I would use it again next time I make the same tragic mistake that I make nearly every time dishwashing soap is on the list!Stephanie
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Pin #9 Quick and Easy Orzo
You might be wondering what about this is “too good to be true.” You might think this is just some random basic orzo. Well of the few times I’ve tried making some sort of orzo in the past it always comes out wrong. Burnt, soupy, not fully cooked… you name my orzo stunk. I’m not a professional cook by any means but I am more than capable of following a recipe! Anyways I saw this and thought, “quick and easy you say? let’s just see about that!”
So the directions were easy brown uncooked orzo in butter, add chicken stock and simmer until all the liquid is absorbed. Then stir in parmesan and basil.
Straightforward enough right? And it actually was. I didn’t burn it or undercook it. And it was FABULOUS!
It tasted great and went beautifully with the prosciutto chicken I made. My only complaint was that the cheese melted so once it cooled a bit it got all congealed like and made it tough to scoop. Especially as leftovers it was like one solid mass you had to chop at. But it still tasted great! So maybe it’s not a miraculous revelation but good orzo was a mini-miracle in my kitchen!Stephanie
Friday, August 3, 2012
Pin #8–Cleaning hard water spots with a lemon
This pin has a pretty picture. It’s pretty because it’s simple and shiny with a lemon, and lemons look pretty. Oh, and it’s probably a hand model. The promise is that using a cut lemon will erase any water spots on your fixtures. Superawesome right?
I know I just finished saying that food pins are much more fun to bust but I’m always hoping for a magic potion to not only clean my bathroom but to keep it from getting dirty ever again. It’s a tall order but it’s my dream. Or at least one of them. Another is that wetting my hair would allow me to stretch it or squish it so I could have short or long hair whenever I wanted. Yeah that’s right, I’ve thought about it and am waiting for this hair magic to come to market. I’m guessing it might be a while.
So you’ve seen it before, but here is a pic of my shower fixture, already cleaned. You can see the little spots that just won’t go away.
To be fair and make sure I wasn’t sabotaging the method, I cleaned the fixture again. This is the end result.Yupper that’s right, no difference at all. I also tried this on the spout and plug toggle thingy but they had no improvements either but the pictures don’t really show anything different either. So I spared you.Bottom Line – Stupid waste of time and lemons.Seriously, not a bit of change. Maybe my spots aren’t bad enough but I don’t really want to let them get any worse! If you’ve ever redone a bathroom (like we did a year ago) or at least bought new fixtures, you know how hard it is to keep the new chrome from looking horrendous. This does not help. Do not buy lemons for this. They are much prettier in a bowl for a centerpiece or better utilized to refresh your sink disposal, which is exactly the fate my lemons met.It won’t be a bathroom picture again next time, promise (:Stephanie
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