Friday, June 13, 2014

Why hellllllooooooooooooooooooooo

Hi everyone!  I know, I know....  I'm guessing you're thinking something along the lines of "Geez, you think you can just disappear for a year then shop up expecting to be loved?" and I get it.  The truth is adding a fourth member to the family turned me upside down for a while and then that lazy streak I have told you about just got the better of me.  So, I am finally getting around to getting this party started.... errrgh....  re-started :)  But I would love your help.  I need some inspiration!  Please comment here, leave a link, email, or pin to my suggestion board (if you email me I can add you!) to give me some ideas for pins you want busted!!  Along with a few appearance changes to come, I would love to get you all more involved with what I am testing so I can make you all happy and love me and make up for my unexcused absence.  ;)  Keep pinning!